Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Discovering the Unseen

Often times, what is unseen manifests before our eyes simply because we shift our view.
Recently, scientists discovered 657 islands that had yet to be revealed. Technology did aid in this discovery with thanks to the development of satellite imagery. However, I believe there was a shift in search. For some time now, we have navigated our way using set maps and the world globe when it was not even complete. Yet, we did so because we believed we had the whole picture. There are now 54 islands over a stretch of 354 miles off the coast of Brazil and now the list of identified islands has grown to an additional 30 percent. While this is a discovery witnessed in nature, I believe that there are many of things left unseen in our own personal worlds. See, we create our world through the film we desire and we have the choice to say when we think it is complete. Unfortunately, I believe this exploration gets cut-off far too short of the destination simply due to our perspectives. We get to decide whether we will enjoy a movie or whether we will learn in class purely based off of our mindsets and if we are open or have already closed the door with an early assumption. What if we shifted our perspective in every daily scenario to take it as it is in the present? Would we learn something new? Would we grow beyond the preset line we formerly drew? Maybe we all have 657 more islands in our life left to see if we open our reset our conclusions and decide to just walk each day out.
Personally, I hope I never stop short on this journey and cut down this tree.
For, I am not a stump.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading what you've written Jessie. You're amazing!
