Friday, May 6, 2011

The Father's Eyes

"The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." Psalm 145:9

What could be seen as tragic is now given the power of redemption.
While researching events in the Mideast, I came across this such redemption.
Now, some may see this as quite a controversial take, but I see it as God's unique sight into the heart of all his creation.

"Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so."
Hebrews 13:9

This scripture, I believe, could not be more true in the life of 14-year-old Umar Fida captured in this article on redemption. 
In what Umar thought were words of truth, was actually the truth that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. On the very day that Umar and his friend Ismail strapped suicide jackets to their chests, they had been deceived to believe that their cause was good and for it they would be going to Heaven.
Ironic how the enemy works to twist things- simply because he has no power to create. 
In an effort and ancient teaching of lies to turn a community against one another, the term "un-Islamic" has developed. Of course, for no other purpose does this word serve other than to divide.
Umar and Ismail, barely of teenage years, had been recruited by the deception of the Taliban they initially resisted saying that if they wanted to kill people they should do it there self, not ask children.
Unfortunately, they kept coming back to them during their classes at school feeding them lies that studies would do nothing for them and then finally grabbing them with the lie that the Sufi's worship was "un-Islamic."
An example of the ongoing brainwashing is stated here by Umar upon arriving at one the Sufi shrines for his first and only mission saying, "But when we travelled by bus to the place of our attack, I saw it was still Pakistan so I questioned them. They said the people who pray to the dead at shrines are even bigger infidels, and I believed them." 
Insanely enough, upon commencing their suicide where they said they had all peace as they prayed for one another believing they were going to Heaven, the mission failed as Umar lay on the ground unconscious missing an arm and his torso ripped open. 
It was here, on the teeter of life and death that Umar had a revelation.

Umar said it was only when the police were trying to defuse his explosives and when he saw the care the doctors were giving him, that he started to realize he had been wrong.
"I am so grateful, because I have been saved from going to hell. I am in a lot of pain, but I know there are many people in hospital even more severely injured than me and I am so sorry for what I did and for what Ismail did.
"We did a very bad thing by killing children and old men and women. I now realise suicide bombing is un-Islamic. I hope people will forgive me."
Upon being carried away by strange teachings (lies), Umar's heart was strengthened because He received grace to see the. 
Now, it does not end here for Umar as the article states. He may still be fighting for his life and even more against the Taliban seeing as he failed his mission.
But he has seen the truth and I pray that this truth set him free.
The Father is jealous for ALL his creation and I believe he saw that Umar's heart was good with a desire for Heaven.
I cannot judge, for am I no judge, but may God judge Him according to his knowledge of His heart. For it is by His compassion and kindness that we are led to repentance.
The enemy has been defeated and even in His attempts in the Earth today, Christ is alive and at work for the cause of redemption.

"Taste and see that the LORD is good."
Psalm 34:8

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